
Dealing with Longstanding Emotional Trauma From Childhood

In previous blogs and on this mind-body website, I have mostly focused on the psychological side of TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome). For those not familiar, TMS is a condition that causes physical symptoms such as chronic pain often attributed to structural abnormalities, but that are rooted in psychological factors, not physical ones. I am firmly […]

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How to Tackle Conditioned TMS Chronic Symptom Recurrence Triggers

This title is a little misleading because conditioned TMS responses are exactly what TMS chronic pain and symptom responses are in a nutshell. All of them. The number one obstacle holding knowledgeable TMS warriors back from a more permanent cure that does not involve recurring symptoms is conditioned responses. Another way to describe a conditioned

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A former Back Surgeon on Why DDD Does Not cause Chronic Pain and Why Back Surgery Will Make You Worse

In a recent posting prominent doctor, author, and reformed former back surgeon Dr. David Hanscom, laid out very specifically why he cannot ethically support common surgical procedures and treatments for Degenerative Disc Disease that he also points out is not a real disease. He also describes in detail why the common diagnosis and treatment and

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NBA Star Michael Porter Jr. Describes His Chronic Back Pain Cure

NBA Star Michael Porter Jr. of my Denver Nuggets recently shared on a Podcast that he has cured years of chronic back pain using mindset shifts and knowledge that his back pain is not and never was due to the misdiagnosis of Degenerative Disc Disease, but is actually due to a mind body condition known

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Is TMS Chronic Pain Caused by Emotions or a Distraction from them?

Many teach and advise emotional work to treat TMS chronic pain. This never made complete since to me and it never worked for me either. From Sarno, I learned that TMS chronic pain symptoms are a subconsciously created distraction protecting me from emotions I subconsciously couldn’t deal with. If TMS symptoms are a distraction from

Is TMS Chronic Pain Caused by Emotions or a Distraction from them? Read More »